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sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009

Jerry Lee Lewis - Live at the Star Club, Hamburg

O Killer dispensa apresentações, e poucos discos na história têm tanta energia e insanidade quanto esse. Com a carreira em baixa na época, devido a infindáveis escândalos e o surgimento das bandas da chamada invasão britânica, o homem tá possesso nesse disco. A banda de apoio, os Nashville Teens, mal consegue acompanhar Jerry Lee, que aumentou a velocidade de TODAS as músicas, transformando até mesmo o standard do country "Your Cheatin' Heart" num boogie safado e maldoso. Tive a oportunidade de ver a lenda uns meses atrás, e enquanto ele não tem mais 20 anos nem sobe no piano, dá pra ver nos olhos do cara : Se alguém é o rei da primeira onda do rock'n'roll, esse cara é sem dúvida alguma Jerry Lee Lewis, e nenhum dos problemas ou merdas da vida pessoal dele pode mudar isso. Baixem isso, é rock'n'roll do jeito que tem que ser, um disco do nível do Live at Leeds ou do primeiro James Brown Live at the Apollo.


The Killer needs no introduction, and few albums in history have so much energy and sheer insanity as this one. With his career at the lowest point, due to a number of scandals and the start of the british invasion, the man is pissed as he can in this album. The support band, the Nasvhile Teens, can barely keep up with Jerry Lee, that speed up EVERY song, turning even the country standard "Your Cheatin' Heart" in aq mean'n nasty boogie. I had the oportunity to see the legend a few months ago and, while he's not in his 20s climbing the piano anymore, you can see it in his eyes : If there was ever someone to be named the king of the first wave of Rock'n'roll, this man is Jerry Lee Lewis, and none of his problems or personal shit can change that. Download this, it's pure rock'n'roll as it should be, an album to be side by side with Live at Leeds or the first James Brown live at the Apollo.

1. Mean Woman Blues
2. High School Confidential
3. Money (That's What I Want)
4. Matchbox
5. What'd I Say, Pt. 1
6. What'd I Say, Pt. 2
7. Great Balls of Fire
8. Good Golly Miss Molly
9. Lewis Boogie
10. Your Cheatin' Heart
11. Hound Dog
12. Long Tall Sally
13. Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On


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