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sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

The Milkshakes - 19th Nervous Shakedown

Esse post (levemente) bêbado vai pra você, fã do VERDADERO garage rock, vai pra você, imne a patifarias como Strokes e etc. Admito, estou levemente bêbado e assistindo the Office, mas essa antologia dos Milkshakes é linda e não podia passar em branco. ntão aí vai mais um clássico do rei Childish,
This (softly) drunkenpost goes to you, fan of the TRUE garage rock, to you that avoided such wankeryas thg Strokes and company. I admit, I'm not 100% sober (I'm almost drunk and wathicng the Office, actually), but this Milkshakes anthology can't be forgottn. So, her it goes another masterpiece by mster Childish.

1. It's You
2. Please Don't Tell My Baby
3. Shed Country
4. Pretty Baby (There's Something That You Lack)
5. Don't Love Another
6. After Midnight
7. Seven Days
8. Black Sails In The Moonlight
9. Cadalina
10. You Did Her Wrong
11. Shimmy Shake
12. Hide And Scatter
13. El Salavdor
14. Jaguar
15. General Belgrano
16. The Klansmen Kometh
17. Brand New Cadillac
18. Love Can Lose
19. Little Bettina
20. I'm The One For You
21. Let Me Love You
22. Quit Lives (Main Title Theme)
23. Wounded Knee
24. I'm Needing You
25. The Red Monkey
26. Ambassador Of Love
27. Can't See To Love That Girl
28. Cassandra
29. The Green Hornet
30. Out Of Control


quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Cenobites - No Paradise for the Damned

Disco mais recente dos rapazes de Rotterdam, uma das principais bandas da cena psycho atual. De volta à formação com duas guitarras, esse disco é melhor produzido que os anteriores, mas não se deixem enganar : O som dos caras continua violento, aquela mistúrica única de psycho, street punk e thrash /speed metal que tornou a banda famosa. Aliás, corrijam-me se eu estiver errado, mas o vocal de Dimitri Hauck lembra cada vez mais o de James Hettfield no começo do Metallica (quando a banda ainda valia alguma coisa). Destaque pra TODAS as faixas, se eu fosse dar uma nota, esse disco levaria 10 em 10 FÁCIL.


Newest album by the boys from Rotterdam, one of the main bands of the actual psycho. Back to their double guitar formation, this album is better produced than the others, but don't be fooled : Their sound still has the same violence as always, that mixture of psycho, street punk and thrash / speed metal that made them famous. By the way, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dimitri Hauck's vocals are getting more and more similar to James Hettfield in the early days of Metallica, when the band was still worth something. Highlights go to EVERY track, if I had to rate it, I'd give it 10 out of 10 EASILY.

  1. 1000 Bullets
  2. Bloodstains
  3. Cold Skin Love
  4. Cellar Door
  5. Final Warning
  6. Devil Domain
  7. Chasing the Dragon
  8. Lizard King
  9. Don't Talk
  10. Cash Flow Chain
  11. Black Metal

terça-feira, 6 de julho de 2010

Juvenile Delinquents - Jumpin' Around / The Kliek - Me Right Now EP

Post duplo pra compensar o atraso / double post to compensate the lag :

Eu JURO que não achei informação nem em holandês sobre a banda. O som dos caras é um psycho old school sujão. Tudo que eu pude achar sobre os caras se resume a : esse é o primeiro (e único) lançamento deles. Eventualmente, a banda mudou o nome pra Scam, mas não mudou o som, e lançou mais dois LPs e um mini-LP.

I SWEAR I couldn't find any bigger info on the band, not even in dutch. Their sound is a dirty old school psycho. Everything I found about them can be resumed in : that's their first (and only) release. Eventually, they changed their name to Scam, though the sound remained the same, and released more two LPs and a mini-LP under the new moniker.

1. Jump Around2. Glad All Over
3. Ghost Train
4. Our Generation
5. Oeh Ah

6. She's Wild So Wild



O Kliek é uma banda relativamente conhecida, apesar de (até onde eu sei) ter lançado apenas dois LPs e alguns EPs nos anos 80. O som encontrado neste 7" é um psych calmo e melódico, não é o tipo de coisa que eu escuto sempre, mas curto bastante essa banda por ter sido uma das primeiras que eu ouvi do estilo.
THe Kliek are relatively well know, though (as far as I'm conerned) having released only a couple of LPs and some Eps in the 80s. The sound you'll find in this 7'' is a calm and mellow psych, notthe kind of thing I usually listen to, but i really dig their sound 'cause they were one of the first bands I heard in the style.

1. Me Right Now
2. Nothing's Changed


segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

(2002) - Cactus Cowboys - Bier, Bier, Bier

Dando sequência à semana dos bons perdedores, lhes trago os "Cactus Cowboys", dupla holandesa (claro) de Psychobilly (?) com um banjo, baixo de pau e vocal de bêbados vestidos de mexicanos. Toda a informação que encontrei além dessa está em holandês. Sintam-se a vontade para ler aqui.


Giving sequence to the Good Losers Week, I bring you the "Cactus Cowboys", Netherland (obvious) double of Psychobilly (?) with just a banjo, a doublebass and a pair of drunken voices of two mexican like dressed men. All the information that I found beyond that, are in Duch. But you are free to read it here.


Geven volgorde om de Goede Week Losers, breng ik u de "Cactus Cowboys", Netherland (duidelijke) dubbele van Psychobilly (?) Met slechts een banjo, een contrabas en een paar dronken stemmen van twee geklede mannen, zoals mexicaanse. Meer informatie vindt u hier.


1. Cactus Cowboys
2. Geesten in de Fles
3. Bier,bier,bier
4. Beste Jan
5. Lelijk en slonzig
6. Rawhide
7. Daar staat het glas
8. Met de vlam in de pijp
9. ik ben een gek!
10. Ach,was ik maar...
11. Snelle cornelis
12. Costa del Sol

Download (28,452MB)

domingo, 4 de julho de 2010

The Ace-Tones - Sixteen

Algumas horas atrasado, sem uma capa com resolução decente e praticamente sem maiores informações da banda, vos trago Sixteen, disco dos fantásticos Ace-Tones, continuando com nossa seção de bandas holandesas. O (pouco) que eu sei da banda, pode ser encontrado neste post. Esse disco é mais legal que o outro por conter mais sons próprios (e cover menos manjados, de certa forma).


A couple hours late, with no deccent artwork and almost zero information on the band, I bring you Sixteen, album by the fantastic Ace-Tones, continuing with our dutch bands combo. The (little) I know about them can be found in this post. I like this album better for having more self-written songs (and somewhat of less cliché covers).

1. The Trip
2. Can't Get You Outta My Mind
3. Your Body, Not Your Soul
4. Cry In The Night
5. Stephanie Knows Who
6. Half Dead
7. No Silver Bird
8. Do You Like What You See
9. I Don't Wanna Lose You
10. I Love You
11. The End
12. Another Tyme, Another Place
13. I'm A Fool
14. I Must Be Mad
15. Gotta Let Go
16. Still In Love With You


sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

Batmobile - Amazons from the Outer Space

O Batmobile é uma das bandas mais clássicas e importantes do psychobilly, e SEM DÚVIDA ALGUMA, uma das minhas favoritas (percebam como eu fui legal e disse "minhas favoritas", não "uma das melhores"). Formados em 1983 pelos irmãos Jeroen e Eric Hammers e seu amigo de infância Johnny Zuidhof, logo atraíram atenção da cena psycho com seu psychobilly maníaco e simples, chamado pela banda de 'b-music' (música mal tocada, letras falando sobre bandidagem, mulher pelada, sexo e ETs), em referência aos 'b-movies'. Esse disco lançado em 1989 tem algumas das melhores músicas da banda, como Dead (I Want them They Are Dead), Amazons from the Outer Space, Ice Rock e Sex-Rays. Banda que dispensa apresentações, disco clássico. Baixe agora!


Batmobile is one of the most classic and important bands in psychobilly, and UNDOUBTLY one of my favourites (see how I've been a nice guy, saying they're "one of my favourites", not simply "one of the better bands"). Formed in 1983 by the brothers Jeroen and Eric Hammers and their childhood friend Johnny Zuidhof, they soon caught the attention of the psycho scene, with their manic and simple psychobilly, named 'b-music' by hte band (bad musicianship, lyrics about crime, nakd women, sex, violence and ETs), in reference to the 'b-movies'. This album released in 1989 has some of their best tracks, like Dead (I Want them They Are Dead), Amazons from the Outer Space, Ice Rock and Sex-Rays. Band that needs no introduction with a classic album. Get it now!

1. Ice Rock
2. Gorilla Beat
3. Aardvark Blues
4. Dead (I Want Them When They Are Dead)
5. Sinners Rock
6. Ravin' Women
7. Amazons from Outer Space
8. Sex-Rays
9. Hammer Killing
10. Hard-On Rock
11. Earthquake
12. Grab the Money and Run
13. Jungle Night


The good losers week!

Pra quem não sabe, os donos desse blog são brasileiros. Pra quem não sabe, o Brasil perdeu pra Holanda nas quartas de final da Copa do Mundo de Futebol. E pra provar que somos bons perdedores, de hoje até o próximo sábado, teremos posts diários com bandas holandesas que representam tudo que há de mais insano, sujo e selvagem na música.


For those who are not aware, this blog's owners are brazilian. For those who don't know, Brazil lost to the Netherlands in the quarters of the FIFA World Cup. And to prove we're good losers, from today until next saturday, we'll have daily posts of dutch bands that represent everything there is of insane, dirty and wild in music.


quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Los Peyotes - Cavernícola

Pra abrandar a rivalidade de tempos de copa, posto aqui um disco dos hermanos argentinos dos Peyotes. Um dos nomes mais legais do crescente garage sul-americano (e um dos mais antigos, iniciados em 1996). Com várias tours pela América Latina e Europa, tocando em grandes festivais de garage europeus, o som dos caras me lembra o de bandas como Fumestones e Wau y los Arrrghs, pendendo pra pura selvageria, mas ainda assim bem trabalhado (vide When I Arrive). Esse é o primeiro LP dos caras, gravado ao vivo em estúdio, e a influência óbvia de bandas como Saicos e Yorks se faz sentir em faixas fantásticas como Fuego e Mocker, enquanto Cry Baby e The Brotherhood soam mais 'tradicionais'.


To ease the rivalry of World Cup times, I'm posting an album by hermanos argentinos los Peyotes. One of the coolest names of the growing south-american garage scene (and one of the olders, having started in 1996). With many tours in Lating America and Europe in their curriculum and having played in many big european festivals, their sound reminds me of bands like the Fumestones and Wau y los Arrrghs, sounding utterly savage, but still, well played (check When I Arrive). That's their firstLP, recorded live in studio, and the obvious influence of bands lke los Saicos and los Yorks makes itself present in fantastic tracks like Fuego and Mocker, while Cry Baby and the Brotherhood sound more 'traditional'.

  1. I Caveman and You?
  2. Fuego
  3. Cry Baby
  4. Mocker
  5. Satanic Rite
  6. El Humo te Hace Mal
  7. When I Arrive
  8. Jack the Ripper
  9. Te Pegaré
  10. The Brotherhood
  11. I Don't Mind
  12. The Witch

quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010

Paul Galaxy and the Galactix - Cross the Line (2001)

Trio de rockabilly revival com grandes e clássicas influências de surf music e country. O álbum intercala músicas em dois estilos mais distintos dos anos 50. De um lado, palhetadas rápidas e trêmulos exagerados, em um som agressivo ao estilo Dick Dale. De outro o clássico rockabilly de Eddie Cochram e Gene Vicent, com uma voz limpa, backing vocals e muito reverb!

Formado em 1996, Paul Galaxy and the Galactix (Colorado, EUA) tocam músicas para diversão, falando sobre (como dizem os próprios) carros, garotas e outras coisas que gostam (e quem não gosta? haha). A banda lançou três álbums durante sua carreira, sendo este que vos posto o de maior sucesso.

Destaque para última faixa "Hot Tamale".


A "rockabilly revival" trio with great and classic influences of surf and country music. On this album, the band alternate two distinct rock styles of the 50's. In first place, the fast pickin' and hard tremolos, reminding the Dick Dale Guitar style. At last, the classic rockabilly of Eddie Cochram and Gene Vicent, with a clean voice, backing vocals and a lot of reverb!

From 1996, Paul Galaxy and the Galactix (Colorado, USA) play music for fun about (like theyself said) car, women and things they like (and who don't like? haha). They released three albums between 1996 and 2004, being that one their biggest success.


01. Pretty Kitty.
02. Desert Air.
03. Man O' War. 2:27
04. Bad Girl.
05. Cross The Line.
06. Night Crawler.
07. Bottle Of Mine.
08. Tailfin.
09. Takin' Too Long.
10. Orbit.
11. Don't Stop.
12. Fat Bottom Girls.
13. Morning Glory.
14. Hot Tamale


terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

(1957) Patsy Cline - Selftitled

Primeiro álbum da lenda feminina do bom e velho country.

A cantora Patsy Cline, de Virgínia, USA, ajudou a quebrar a barreira do gênero feminino na música country. Conhecida por sua voz, agradável e emotiva, ela começou cedo em sua carreira, também se tornando uma pianista autodidata. Nos anos 50, Patsy faz seu primeiro contato com uma gravadora, o que resulta na gravação deste álbum. A excelente performance da banda soa bem clássica assim como Johnny Cash e June Carter, com um puro ritmo counmtry acompanhado de piano e coros de voz. No início dos anos 60, Patsy Cline passa a integrar o clássico programa semanal de country na rádio norte americana, "The Grand Ole Opry", em Nashville, Tennessee, garantindo um lugar notável na cena country da época.

A carreira de Patsy foi muito curta. Assim como Buddy Holy e Richie Valens, ela morreu em um acidente de avião, em 5 de março de '63 (aviões são criaturas atrozes e tem péssimo gosto musical). Depois de sua morte, uma de suas músicas, "Sweet Dreams", foi lançada e se tornou um hit. Considerada uma das maiores cantoras do country, Patsy entra para o Hall da Fama da música country em '73. Mais tarde ela se torna assunto do filme "Sweet Dreams", de '85.


First album of a female legend of the old'n'good country music.

The singer Patsy Cline, from Virginia, USA, helped to break down the gender barrier in her music style. Known for her smooth-sounding, emotive voice, she started performing at a young age and learned to play piano by herself. On the 50's she made her first record contact that lead to this album. The band sounds great and classic as Johnny Cash and June Carter, with a pure country rythm, piano and choirs. In the early 1960s, Patsy Cline joined the cast of the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, taking a honorable place on the country scene.

Patsy Cline's carrier was too brie, like Buddy Holy and Richie Valens, she died in a plane crash on March 5, 1963 (planes are atrocious creatures with a bad taste for music). After her death, one of her songs, “Sweet Dreams”, was released and became a hit. Considering one of country music’s greatest vocalists, she was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1973. Her life became the subject of the 1985 film, "Sweet Dreams".


1. "That Wonderful Someone" – 2:27
2. "In Care of the Blues"
3. "Hungry Love" – 2:27
4. "Too Many Secrets" – 2:14
5. "Don't Ever Leave Me Again" – 2:26
6. "Ain't No Wheels In this Ship (We Can't Roll)" – 1:55
7. "I Can't Forget You" – 2:25
8. "I Don't Wanta" – 2:20
9. "Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray" – 2:12
10. "Walkin' After Midnight" – 2:33
11. "Fingerprints" – 2:44
12. "Then You'll Know" – 3:12

Download (22.78MB)

Chuck & the Hulas - Smell like a Party

Último (um dos, pelo menos) projeto do lendário Chuck Harvey, fundador dos Frantic Flintstones . Depois do fantástico Psycho Samba By Way, Chucky Boy ataca novamente, dessa vez misturando música havaiana com psychobilly. Disco divertidíssimo e extremamente recomendado pra esse tempo frio bizarro, é só colocar essa parada e enxer um copo de rum com coca pra se sentir numa ilha ensolarada do Pacífico. Destaque pros covers de Purple People Eater e Don't you Just Know It, pra insanidade psychotropical de Moonshine Martinis e pra fantástica I am a Hula.
The last (one of them, at least) project lead by the legendary Chuck Harvey, founder of the Frantic Flintstones. After the fantastic Psycho Samba My Way, Chucky Boy strikes again, this time mixing hawaiian music with psychobilly. Extremely funny and recommended for the cold times we're facing in the southern hemisphere, all you have to do is play that thing and fill a glass of rum with coke to feel in a sunny pacific island. Highlights go to the covers of Purple People Eater and Don't You Just Know It, the psychotropical insanity of Moonshine Martinis and the fantastic I am a Hula.

  1. Little Red Hiding Hood
  2. Little Demon
  3. Hula Love
  4. Rock-a-hula Baby
  5. The Witch Doctor
  6. Don't you Just Know It
  7. It Ain't Funny
  8. Stoneage Woo
  9. I Am a Hula
  10. Moonshine Martinis
  11. The Purple People Eater
  12. Hawaiian Thang


terça-feira, 11 de maio de 2010

The Vermin Poets - Poets of England

Nova obra do mestre John Hamper, o rei do Medway Beat. Acompanhado dos Musicians of the British Empire e de Neil Palmer do Fire Dept, (mais uma) banda excelente da cena de Medway. Apesar do som relativamente diferente dos trabalhos anteriores, ainda contamos com a crueza do garage que só a delta do Medway é capaz de oferecer. Destaque pra selvagem Like Poets Often Do, com forte influência do começo do Who, Grandfathery e sua letra maravilhosa (aliás, as letras são um forte desse álbum, como o nome da banda sugere) e as duas últimas, A Cup of Deadly Cheer e The Sun Was the Beginning of the Morning.
New work by the master John Hamper, the king of Medway Beat. Supported by ther Musicians of the Briths Empire and Neil Palmer from the Fire Dept (another) great MedwayBand. Despite the sound that sorta steers away from his body of work, we can still rely on the raw garage punk that made him famous and can be found only in the Medway river delta. Highlights to the wild Like Poets Often Do, with a strong early Who influence, Grandfathery and it's amazing lyrics (a strong point on this album, as the band's name suggests) and the last two songs, A Cup of Deadly Cheer and The Sun Was the Beginning of the Morning.

01 - Spartan Dregg
02 - He's Taken His Eye Off The Sparrow
03 - Like Poets Often Do
04 - Baby Booming Bastards
05 - Grandfathery
06 - She's Got Eyes
07 - Vermin Poets
08 - Arthur Was a Gun Runner
09 - Musical Pamphlet
10 - Poets of England
11 - A Cup of Deadly Cheer
12 - The Sun Was the Beginning of the Morning


sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

(2010) Hank Williams III - Rebel Within

Novo álbum do neto da lenda do country, "Rebel Within" (que traduz bem a essência da banda) é mais um excelente disco de Hank III. Mantendo a linha do bom e velho "outlaw country", com banjo e violino, o álbum também traz maiores influências de rock e metal de Hank III. Destaque para "Lookin' For a Mountain".

Como diz o velho Hank em uma música:
"We all like metal and whiskey! Livin' hard and chasin' down hell!"

* 1. Getting’ Drunk and Fallin’ Down
* 2. Rebel Within’
* 3. Lookin’ For A Mountain
* 4. Gone But Not Forgotten
* 5. Drinkin’ Ain’t Hard To Do
* 6. Moonshiner’s Life
* 7. #5
* 8. Karmageddon
* 9. Lost In Oklahoma
* 10. Tore Up and Loud
* 11. Drinkin’ Over Mama

Site Oficial do Hank III


terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010

The Lyres - Happy Now...

De volta aos posts, dessa vez com um disco dos excepcionais Lyres. Formados em 1979 por Jeff 'Monoman' Connely (ex integrante do fantástico DMZ), encarregado dos vocais e do órgão e único membro permanente da banda, que já contou até mesmo com o lendário Stiv Bators. Lançado em 1993 pela Taang! Records, o som do disco não é muito diferente do resto da discografia da banda, 60s punk com toneladas de órgão e eventuais guitarras de 12 cordas, com covers dos Stones, Isley Brothers, Phil & the Frantics and Bo Diddley.


Back to the posts, this time with a album by the outstanding Lyres. Formed in 1979 by Jeff 'Monoman' Connely (ex-member of the fantastic DMZ), in charge of vocals and organ and the only permanent member of the band, that has counted with the legendary Stiv Bators amongst it's ranks. Released in 1993 by Taang! Records, the sound of the album doesn't drift away from the rest of their discography, 60s punk with tons of organ and eventual 12-string guitars, counting with covers by the Stones, the Isley Brothers, Phil & the Frantics and Bo Diddley.

  1. Baby (I Still Need your Lovin')
  2. But if you're Happy
  3. I'll Make it up to You
  4. Pain
  5. Now I've got a Witness
  6. Nobody But Me
  7. Stoned
  8. I Ain't Goin' Nowhere
  9. 100 CC's (Pure Thrust)(Bootleg Version)
  10. Take a Look at Me
  11. I Can Tell


segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010

The Pandoras - It's About Time

Coletânea lançada pela Voxx records contendo o primeiro LP + 2 EPs e 3 faixas inéditas dessa banda genial liderada pela maravilhsa Paula Pierce e seu rosnado fantástico, esse cd contem as faixas mais garageiras da banda (o segundo LP tinha um som mais bem produzido, mas ainda excelente, e os lançamentos posteriores caíram no hair metal, caminho seguido por várias bandas da época). Uma das músicas mais legais do revival foi gravada por essas garotas que chutam a bunda de muito marmanjo metido a caveman por aí, a maravilhosa Hot Generation. Depois de uma promessa de contrato com a Elektra que acabou dando errado, a banda gravou dois discos de hair metal horrível e chegou a um fim trágico em 1991, quando a vocalista e principal compositora Paula Pierce morreu em decorrência de problemas cardíacos, aos 31 anos, mas duas das integrantes montaram a banda pop punk The Muffs . Todas as faixas são excelentes e há ainda uma "entrevista" que é, basicamente, a banda gemendo e gritando enquanto um apresentador esforçado tenta conseguir algo além disso.
Comp released by Voxx records containing the first LP, two EPs and 3 unreleased tracks by this incredible band leaded by the wonderful Paula Pierce and her fantastic snarl, this CD has their most garage-ish material (their 2nd LP had a better production, though it's still amazing, and their other releaseds leaned to the hair metal ways, a common path followed by 80s bands). One of my favourite revivalist songs' was recorded by these girls that kick a lot of caveman-wannabe wankers in this world, the wondrful Hot Generation. After a promise of a deal with Elektra that never happened, the band recorded two horrible hair metal albums and came to a sad end in 1991, when the lead singer and composer, Paula Pierce, died of cardiac complications, at age 31, though two of the band members went to form the pop punk band The Muffs. All the tracks are excellent and there's still a "interview" that consists, basically, of the band moaning and screaming while a persistent interviewer tries to get something besides that.

  1. Hot Generation
  2. You Don't Satisfy
  3. It's About Him
  4. I Want Him
  5. James
  6. He's not Far
  7. Haunted Beach Party
  8. The Hump
  9. I Live my Life
  10. Want Need Love
  11. It Just Ain't True
  12. High on a Cloud
  13. Cry on my Own
  14. Going His Way
  15. I'm Here I'm Gone*
  16. That's Your Way Out*
  17. Why*
  18. You Lie*
  19. You Ain't no Friend of Mine*
  20. I Want my Caveman
  21. KALX Interview*


quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

The Fabulous Fuzztones Bootleg Fest!

Não vou perder nem tempo apresentando a banda, mas seguem 3 bootlegs, um mais recente e dois dos anos 80 :
Not even gonna waste my time introducing the band, but there go 3 bootlegs, a reccent one and two from the eighties

The Lyon Tapes (198x)
  1. 1-2-5
  2. Bad News Travel Fast
  3. 13 Women
  4. Blackout of Gretely
  5. Ain't No Friend of Mine
  6. Brand New Man
  7. That's the Bag I'm In
  8. You burn me Up and Down
  9. The People in Me
  10. Highway 69
  11. Ward 81
  12. Gotta Get Some
  13. She's Wicked
  14. Writing on the Wall
  15. We're Pretty Quick
  16. Run Chicken Run
  17. Human Fly
  18. Psychotic Reaction

Hell in Paris (2007)

-Tem um monte de intervalos entre as faixas que são só o Rudi Protudi falando com a galera, não vou por no tracklist
-There's a lot of Rudi Protudi talking to the audience between the tracks that I won't include on the tracklist

Blues Theme
  1. 1-2-5
  2. Bad News Travels Fast
  3. Action Speaks Louder than Words
  4. Hurt on Hold
  5. In Heat
  6. 13 Women
  7. Blackout of Gretely
  8. Look for the Question Mark
  9. She's my Witch
  10. Hallucination Generation
  11. This Sinister Urge
  12. Get Naked
  13. Heathen Set
  14. As Time's Gone
  15. Ward 81
  16. My Johnson in a Headlock
  17. Garden of my Mind
  18. Brand New Man
  19. She's Wicked
  20. Caught you Red Handed
  21. Have Love will Travel
  22. The Witch
  23. Cinderella
  24. Strychnine


Live at Netherlands (1985)

  1. She's Wicked
  2. 1-2-5
  3. The Witch
  4. Gotta Get Some
  5. Journey to Tyme
  6. We're Pretty Quick
  7. Love at Psychedelic Velocity
  8. 1523 Blair
  9. Bad Little Woman
  10. Psychotic Reaction


segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010


Coisas que tavam sobrando no 4shared/mediafire que eu não tinha postado ainda por falta de informação das bandas ou preguiça de postar.
Stuff that I had on my 4shared/mediafire folders, that I hadn't posted yet due to lack of information or because I'm a lazy fuck.
Thee Cybermen - Border Beat
Garage revival, Medway Beat, UK


The Bomboras - Organ Grinder
Surf music revival, USA

The Tandooris - Sciece Fiction Guaranteed!
Garage revival, Surf Music, Argentina


And for the guy who asked for it, here's a reup of The Hidden Charms - The Hill

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010

Texas Flashbacks 5-6

1 The Bards - Alibis
2 The Briks - Foolish Baby
3 The Trackers - You Are My World
4 The Moving Sidewalks - I Want To Hold Your Hand
5 Tommy Jett - Groovy Little Trip
6 The Exotics - Come With Me
7 Bobby Mabe & The Outcast - I'm Lonely
8 The Cynics - Train Kept A-Rollin'
9 The Fanatics - I Will Not Be Lonely
10 The Lavender Hour - So Sophisticated
11 Electric Love - This Seat Is Saved
12 The Buccaneers - You Got What I Want
13 The Wanderers - Higher Education
14 Kit & The Outlaws - Don't Tread On Me
15 The Five Canadians - Never Alone
16 Larry & The Blue Notes - In And Out


1 The Wig - Drive It Home
2 The Reddlemen - I'm Gonna Get In That Girl's Mind
3 The Nomads - Situations
4 The Sons Of Barbee Doll - Psychedelic Seat
5 The Shades - Ginger Bread Man
6 Kempy & The Guardians - Love For A Price
7 Yesterday's Obsession - The Phycle
8 Nobody's Children - Good Times
9 The Visions - Route 66
10 S.J. & The Crossroads - Ooh Poo Pah Doo
11 The Fabs - Dinah Wants Religion
12 The Minute Men - Disillusion
13 The Chessmen - I Need You There
14 The New Breed - Big Time
15 The Livin' End - Society
16 The Bourbons - Of Old Approximately


sábado, 20 de março de 2010

Texas Flashbacks 3-4


01 16 HEARD, THE - EXIT 9?


quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

Texas Flashbacks 1-2

Série de coletâneas antológica de 6 LPs, lançada por Dave Shutt em 1982-83, todos com prensagens limitadíssimas contendo várias raridades da cena texana de 60s punk, não tem nem como escolher as melhores, já que 99% das faixas é pura insanidade garageira. Vou postar os 6 volumes no decorrer da semana, até lá, apreciem essas maravilhas esquecidas pelo tempo.

Anthological comp of 6 LPs released by Dave Shutt around 82/83, all of them with very limited pressings filled with 60s punk rarities from Texas, I think it's impossible to pick my favourite tracks, since 99% of the tracks are pure 60s garage dementia. I'll post all of them during the week, until then, enjoy these forgotten wonders.

Vol. 1
1. The Esquires - Come On, Come On
2. The Headstones - Wish She Were Mine
3. The Headstones - 24 Hours (Everyday)
4. Floyd Dakil Four - Bad Boy
5. The Playboys Of Edinburg - Wish You Had A Heart
6. Finnicum - Come On Over
7. The Excels - Let's Dance
8. The Reasons Why - Don't Be That Way
9. The Cicadelics - We're Gonna Love This Way
10. The Countdown 5 - Uncle Kirby (From Brazil)
11. The Lynx - You Lie
12. The Warlocks - If You Really Want Me To Stay
13. The Barons - Come To Me
14. The Trolls - That's The Way My Love Is
15. The Sweetarts - So Many Times
16. The Sherwoods - I Know You Cried


Vol. 2
1. The Jades - I'm All Right
2. The Oxford Circus - 4th Street Carnival
3. The Bluethings - Twist And Shout
4. Jimmy Rabbit With Ron & Dea - Pushover
5. Wally & The Rights - Hey Now Little Girl
6. The Boys - You Deceived Me
7. The One Way Street - Joy And Sorrow
8. The Twilighters - Nothing Can Bring Me Down
9. The Outcasts - I'm In Pittsburgh (And It's Raining)
10. S.J. & The Crossroads - Get Out Of My Life Woman
11. The Iguanas - I Can Only Give You Everything
13. The Runaways - 18th Floor Girl
14. The Chevelle V - Come Back Bird
14. The Six Pents - She Lied
15. The Knight's Bridge - C.J. Smith
16. The Knight's Bridge - Make Me Some Love


terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

The Fiends - Gravedigger

Outra banda de Greg Johnson, vocalista do Worst, os Fiends começaram em 1993 em Vancouver, Canada, o som dos Fiends não é muito diferente do Worst em si, o que não é DE FORMA ALGUMA uma coisa ruim, muito pelo contrário. Esse disco foi lançado em 1998 e é de uma demência rara, mesmo pros dias de hoje, fato que se pode constatar nas faixas hiper-saturadas como No Good, o cover de Writing on the Wall dos Five Canadians, ainda melhor e mais psicótica que a versão anterior gravada por Johnson, com o Worst. A banda ainda existe, participou recentemente do segundo volume do tributo aos Fuzztones, tocando a clássica Romilar D, além de estar produzindo um novo LP, aparentemente sem previsão de lançamento.


The other band by the Worst's singer, Greg Johnson, the Fiends began their activities in 1993, based in Vancouver, Canada. Their sound isn't too far from the Worst itself, what ISN'T ANYTHINGN EAR BAD, actually, quite the oposite. This album was released in 1998 and has high levels of insanity, even by these days standards, a fact that can be certified in ultra-saturated tracks like No Good or the Five Canadians' cover of Writing on the Wall, even better and more psychotic than the version recorded by Johnson with the Worst. The band still exists, has participated on the Fuzztones' tribute second volume, playing the classic Romilar D, besides the production of a new LP, apparently without any release date so far.

01 - Gravedigger
02 - Outtasight
03 - Bad Woman
04 - No Good
05 - Writing on the Wall
06 - Quit Pickin on Me
07 - Jack the Ripper
08 - X-Ray Eyes
09 - Stake Thru my Heart
10 - Just in Case you Wonder
11 - Lyncher (Hangs Ten)
12 - She's not Broken
13 - Pictures & Designs


domingo, 14 de março de 2010

Dypsomaniaxe - One Too Many

Banda de psychobilly inglesa formada no final dos anos 80, a primeira composta somente por mulheres (o que não é muito comum no estilo), foi descoberta por Tony Gilmore, baixista original dos Klingonz. Não tem muita informação sobre elas por aí, mas esse foi o único disco lançado por elas, pela Tombstone Records em algum ponto dos anos 80/90 e depois se separaram. Apesar de nunca terem feito o sucesso que deviam ter feito, as moças põe moral em muita banda de hoje em dia que acha que é só ter double bass na banda pra ser psycho. Destaque pra Spirit In You, Gambling Delights, Countless Lizzie e a excelente Dypsomaniaxe.


English psychobilly band that started in the late 80s, also, the first all-female psychobilly band (wich still isn't common today), they were discovered by Tony Gilmore, the original Klingonz bassist. I couldn't find bigger info about them around, but that's their only record, released via TOmbstone Records in some point of the late 80s / early 90s, but they would split up soon after this. Even though they never made it big like they deserved, them ladies kick a lot of these days bands' arses, since they seemed to know that having a quiff and a double bass won't make you psycho. Highlights for Spirit in You, Gambling Delights, Countless Lizze and the absolutely awesome Dypsomaniaxe.

Tracklist :
01 - All Women are Bad
02 - Bad Habit
03 - Vicious Delicious
04 - Gambling Debts
05 - Spirit in You
06 - The Mask
07 - Dangerous Liaisons
08 - Secret
09 - Dirty Washing
10 - Countless Lizzie
11 - Demong Quiff
12 - Seven Deadly Sins
13 - Siren
14 - Dypsomaniaxe
15 - Dr. McBain
16 - Bad Habit (Live)


Ps : Se alguém tiver informação sobre possíveis projetos das integrantes pós-Dypsomaniaxe, por favor, poste algo nos comentários! Valeu :D
Ps : If someone has any bigger info concerning possible further projects by the band members, please, post it on the comments! Thanks :D

sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

Sex Musum - Fuzz Face

Formados em 1985, em Madrid, Espanha, o Sex Museum faz jus ao Fuzz Face no nome do álbum. Esse é o LP de estréia deles, lançado em 1987, e apesar do nome atípico da banda e de algumas músicas, a banda é fantástica, e do instrumental maníaco Big Cock (era disso que eu falava quando citei nomes atípicos), digno de Davie Allan até o fim do álbum, não há momentos de decepção. A banda existe até hoje e faz bastante sucesso no circuito alternativo espanhol, apesar de algumas faixas posteriores que eu ouvi no youtube indicarem que eles mudaram de som no decorrer dos anos, hora puxando pro hard rock (alternativa comum pras bandas da época, aparentemente), com um som mais pop em gravações recentes (me corrijam se eu estiver errado, por favor). Destaque pra todas as músicas, com carinho especial pela versão de Psycho beirando os limites do que a psiquiatria aceita como "são".


Formed in 1985, in Madrid, Spain, Sex Museum makes it up to the Fuzz Face in the album's name. That's their debut LP, released in 1987, and despite the atypical names of the band and some of the songs, they're fantastic, and from the opening instrumental Big Cock (that's what I mean by atypical), that would bring a tear to Davie Allan's eye until the end of the album, there's no disappointment. The band still exists and is quite successful in spanish alternative circuit, though some later tracks I heard on youtube show they change their sound during the years, leaning towards hard rock at times (a common alternative for contemporary bands) and a poppier sound in reccent recordings (correct me if I'm wrong, please, I'd love to hear some more demented garage by them). Highligts for every single track, with a speciall love for their version of Psycho, that stays in the limits of what psychiatry accepts as "sane".

01 - Big Cock
02 - Sweet Home
03 - Ya Es Tarde
04 - Sexual Beast
05 - Psycho
06 - I'm Alone
07 - All I Really Want
08 - See See Rider
09 - Motorbikin'
10 - Booboo's Theme
11 - Drugged Personality


terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010

Esquerita - Rockin' this Joint

Esquerita (Steven Quince Reeder Jr.) é mais um dos gênios jogados pra escanteio da história do rock. Auto-didata no piano, largou a escola em 1950 e entrou pro coral gospel Heavenly Echoes, de Nova York. Depois disso, ele entrou pro circuito de R&B de Dallas-Nova Orleans no começo dos anos 50, adotando suas camisas coloridas, seu topete imenso e seus óculos femininos. Acredita-se que ele tenha influenciado Little Richard (prova disso seriam as primeiras gravações de Richard em Nova Orleans, que nada ou pouco tinham do estilo pelo qual ele ficaria famoso posteriormente).
Esquerita conseguiu, através de Paul Peek, guitarrista de Gene Vincent, um contrato de gravação com a Capitol Records, decidida a conseguir "outro" Little Richard, que foram compiladas no LP "Esquerita" de 1959, o único álbum de estúdio gravado por ele, além de vários singles. No começo dos anos 60, ele fez algumas gravações pra Motown, mas as mesmas nunca viram a luz do dia, até onde eu sei.
Continuou gravando singles e trabalhando como músico de estúdio durante os anos 60, mas no começo dos anos 70, sua carreira começou a decair, tocando em clubes novaiorquinos durante a década, até que no meio da década de 80, descobriu-se que ele trabalhava num estacionamento / lava jato, vindo a falecer em de AIDS 1986, mesmo que ainda seja relativamente desconhecido, sua influência e importância vem sido reconhecidas em vários meios, tendo sido inclusive homenageado numa música de Mick Jones com o B.A.D.

Esquerita (born Steven Quince Reeder Jr.) is another rock'n'roll genius who got thrown away to the musical gutter. Self taught at the piano, his career started in 1950, when he dropped high school to join a NY-based gospel chorus Heavenly Chorus. After that, he joined the Dallas - New Orleans R&B circuit, adopting his flamboyant shirts, 60 inch pompadour and female sunglasss, supposedly influencing Little Richard (a proof of that comes from Richard's first New Orleans recordings, portraying little or nothing of the wild style that eventually made him famous).
Thanks to Paul Peek, the Blue Caps guitarist, Esquerita got a recording contract with Capitol Records, who wanted to get it's own "version" of Little Richard. These recordings got released as an eponymous LP in 1959, his only proper studio album, besides recording a bunch of singles. In the early 60s, he made a few recordings for Motown, but as far as I know, thse recordings never saw the sunlight.
He kept recording and working as a session musicians through the 60s, but his career started to go downhill in the early 70s, playing in small NY clubs during the decade. It's known he worked in a parking lot in the mid 80s, until his death due to complications with AIDS in 1986. Even though he's still sorta unknown, his influence and importance gets more recognized in certain circles day by day, even winning a tribute song by Mick Jones (at the time, with B.A.D.), called Esquerita.

1. Oh Baby
2. Please Come Home
3. Sarah Lee
4. I Live the Life I Love [Version 1]
5. Katie Mae
6. Wait a Minute Baby
7. Rockin' the Joint
8. Golly Golly, Annie Mae
9. I Found Her
10. Hey Miss Lucy
11. I'm Battie over Hattie
12. Crazy Crazy Feeling
13. Esquerita and the Voola
14. She Left Me Crying
15. Why Did It Take You So Long
16. Gettin' Plenty of Lovin'
17. Believe Me When I Say Rock 'N' Roll Is Here to Stay
18. Laid Off
19. I Live the Life I Love [Version 2]
20. This Thing Called Love
21. Get Back Baby
22. Baby Come Back
23. Baby, You Can Depend on Me
24. Just Another Lie
25. You Can't Pull Me Down
26. I Need You
27. Maybe Baby
28. Hole in My Heart


Houve um pequeno erro de tags, o álbum (e a arte no zip) são de um disco chamado Capitol's Collector Series, mas o álbum se chama Rockin' this Joint, na verdade. Foi mal :(

There was a little tag mistake, the album (and the art in the zip) are from the Capitol's Collector Series album, but the posted one's called Rockin' this Joint, actually. My bad :(

domingo, 28 de fevereiro de 2010

Torment - Psyclops Carnival

Apesar da discografia relativamente pequena, poucas bandas de psychobilly chegam ao nível do Torment em minha humilde opinião. Esse disco é de 1986 e tem uma das minhas músicas favoritas, a marvilhosa Uncle Sam. 19 faixas de psychobilly old school de primeira grandeza, todas compostas pelo genial Simon Brand, que sabia fazer músicas diferentes da fórmula padrão e que ainda assim soassem psycho, além de dois covers excelentes, de Last Time dos Rolling Stones e Slow Down de Larry Williams. Tenho poucas informações sobre a banda além do suicídio do vocalista / guitarrista, Simon Brand, no começo da década de 90. Soube também que eles voltaram recentemente, mas não sei se ainda compõem / lançam álbuns. De qualquer forma, é um álbum excelente e você não devia falar que gosta de psychobilly se não conhece Torment.


Despite the small discography, I can't think of many psychobilly bands in the same level as Torment. This album was released in 1986 and has one of my favourite songs, uncle Sam. 19 tracks of th purest psychobilly old school you'll ever see, all of them composed by the late great Simon Brand, who had the gift to compose songs that didn't followed the script and still sounded extrmely psycho, plus two covers, Last Time, of the Stones and Slow Down, by Larry Williams. I have little information about the band besides the suicide of the guitarist / vocalist Simon Brand in the early 90s and that their recently reformation, though I'm not sure they're still writing / releasing material. Anyway, a excellent album and you shouldn't be bragging about digging psychobilly if you never heard of Torment.

1. Death Trail
2. Uncle Sam
3. Leap the Frog
4. Satisfied
5. Nightmare
6. Rockjet
7. Head Driven Sinner
8. Slow Down
9. Time to Think
10. Psyclops Carnival
11. The Last Time
12. Pass It On
13. My Dream
14. The Source
15. Hornets Nest
16. True Expressions
17. Mystery Men
18. Rock Strong
19. Con-Scription Plan


segunda-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2010

The Discords - Second to No One

Beleza, esse disco é muito bom, o mais puro medway beat, na linha do Kravin A's. Consegui averiguar que o disco é de 1986, possivelmente lançamento da Big Beat. Não achei maiores informações, sei que eles gravaram mais um disco sob o nome Dodson's Dogs e que o cover de Get Youself Together é um dos meus favoritos.
Alright, this album is very nice, the purest medway beat in a Kravin A's sort of way. I've only discovered that this album is from 1986, possible Big Beat release. Couldn't find bigger info besides another released under the moniker Dodson's Dogs and that the Get Yourself Together Cover in it is one of my favourites.

1. Second To No One
2. Little Miss Misfit
3. We're Gonna Have Fun
4. Brainstorm
5. Since You've Been Gone
6. You Can Catch Me
7. Get Yourself Together
8. You Won't Get Far
9. Happy You're My Girl
10. Steam Train
11. It's You Girl
12. I'm Leaving Here
13. Take The Hurt Off Me


quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

Back from the Grave!!!

Após um breve período de ausência, voltamos às atividades com o álbum de estréia dos noruegueses do Pirate Love, Black Vodoun Space Blues. Lançado em 2009 pela Voodoo Rhythm, esse disco foi uma grata surpresa pro meu fim de ano e não sei por que enrolei até agora pra postar. O som dos caras é bem característico, coisa rara hoje em dia (pelo menos no "meio" garage punk). O disco transita entre várias "vertentes" do garage sem nunca perder a identidade e lembra muito o som dos Staggers, apesar de não ter tanta influência de surf music ou rockabilly, com destaque pra primeira faixa do disco, Shake It, o blues punk insano de In a Dirty Cellar e pra Skin Deep e Sick of You. Altamente recomendado.


After a brief period of absence, we're back to activities with the debut album by the norwegians of Pirate Love, Black Vodoun Space Blues. Released in 2009 by Voodoo Rhythm, this album was a good surprise for my year's end and I don't know why I hadn't postd it yet. Their sound is quite "original", rare thing in these days (at least in the garage punk "scene"). Their album walks around a lot of garage subgenres without never losing it's identity and remembers me of the Staggers, though there's not that much surf music or rockabilly in it, with highlights going to the opener, Shake It, the insane blues punk of In a Dirty Cellar and Skin Deep and Sick of You. Highly recommended.

01 - Shake It
02 - Sick of You
03 - The Lonely Streets
04 - In a Dirty Cellar
05 - Slumber Blues
06 - Death Trip
07 - Skin Deep
08 - You Don't Break my Heart
09 - Tranquilizer
10 - Ain't Got Nothing to Do (A Kiss Hello)
11 - Laughing Gas


quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2010

The Running Stream - S/T

Os dois 12" lançados por essa banda da Itália, que puxou mais pro lado psicodélico do garage do que o normal postado aqui no blog, mas mesmo assim, o material dos caras é excelente. O disco homônimo (o primeiro) é metade covers (dois do Them e um dos Kinks), metade originais que não deixam a dever pras versões, com destaque pra Enough e pra sugestiva She Eats a Mushroom. O segundo, composto quase completamente de canções próprias, já começa com a matadora Long Time Ago e segue com a mais garageira Spend your Life, também excelente, alternando momentos psicodélicos como Dreams of a Sleepin' Butterfly com momentos de puro 60s punk, como a maravilhosa canção que encerra o álbum, Next Night. Não consegui achar mais informações dos caras, exceto que o tecladista, Ugly, entrou pros Woody Peakers.


Here are the two 12" released by this italian band, that leaned more towards the psych side of garage than the usual material of this blog. Anyway, their stuff is excellent. The first and self titled album is half covers (two by Them and one by the Kinks), half originals that won't disappoint, with highlights to Enough and to the sugestive She Eats a Mushroom. Their second album is almost completely composed by the band and starts with the killer Long Time Ago, following with the equally amazing Spend your Life, always staying between psychedelic moments like Dreams of a Sleepin' Butterfly or pure 60s punk, like the last song on the album, Next Night. I couldn't find bigger info on them guys, besides that the keyboard player, Ugly, went on to form the Woody Peakers

Running Stream

01 - I Can Only Give you Everything
02 - Acid Head
03 - Wrong Life
04 - I've Never Loved a Girl
05 - I'm not Like Everybody Else
06 - Enough
07 - She Eats a Mushroom
08 - Gloria

PS : O cara que ripou o vinil deve ter ripado o lado a como b e vice e versa, logo, as músicas 1-4 são na verdade as 5-8 (e vice e versa)
PS : The guy who ripped the viniyl did it backwards, so, the songs 1-4 (side B) are the songs 5-8 (side A) and the songs 5-8 (side A) are 1-4 (side B)



01 - Long Time Ago
02 - Spend your Life
03 - All Cops in Delirium
04 - She Was Mine
05 - The Junkie and the Pusher
06 - Hey Joe
07 - Clock on the Wall
08 - She's my Queen
09 - Dreams of a Sleepin' Butterfly
10 - Desert in my Mind
11 - Don't Run Away
12 - Next Night


quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010

The 3-D Invisibles

Não achei muitas informações sobre a banda. Só sei que esse disco é de 1989, que eles vêm de Detroit e que eles estão na ativa até hoje. O som é excelente, fãs de Cramps, Meteors e Misfits vão achar doses iguais dessas três maravilhas na terra. Pelo jeito os caras nunca conseguiram muito sucesso e eu simplesmente não consigo pensar numa possível razão pra isso. Faixas como They Won't Stay Dead, Creature from the Outer Space (Cramps puro) ou I Married a Monster from Outer Space mereciam ser clássicos do psychobilly. Destaque pra essas já citadas, Blood Feast e Mail-Order Monster.


I couldn't find bigger info on the band, besides that this record is from 1989, that they hail from Detroit and they still play. The sound is amazing, and any Cramps, Meteors or Misfits fan will find equal amounts of these three man-made wonders in their sound. For some reason, the guys never achieved a lot of success and I simply can't think of a plausible reason for it. Tracks like They Won't Stay Dead, Creature from Outer Space (pure Cramps) or I Married a Monster from Outer Space deserve to be hailed as psychobilly classics. Highlights go to the mentioned tracks plus Blood Feast and Mail-Order Monster.

1. They Won't Stay Dead
2. Creature From Outer Space
3. Down In The Dungeon
4. Frankenstein Stomp
5. Surpise For Teacher
6. I Walked With A Zombie
7. Mars Needs Women
8. Mail-Order Monster
9. Creepy Fella
1. Graveyard Rockin'
2. I Married A Monster From Outer Space
3. Skeleton Rock & Roll
4. Christopher Lee
5. Beach Party Massacre
6. The Mad Doctor's Unsuccessful Experiments
7. My Babys Gone To Pieces
8. Blood Feast
9. Nosferatu


terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Creation - We are Paintermen

Banda inglesa de freakbeat, o Creation deveria ter sido maior, mas, como várias outras bandas da época, algum motivo obscuro e inexplicável impediu que os caras fossem pra frente, apesar do hit Painter Man (depois gravado pelo Boney M, por algum motivo que eu desconheço). O som da banda, como dito acima, é bem freakbeat, com ecos de Kinks, Who e Yardbirds em todo lado. Destaques ficam pra Can I Join your Band, Makin' Time, Biff Bang Pow! e Painter Man (detalhe que nessa música, o guitarrista Eddie Phillips usou um arco de violino pra tocar guitarra pela primeira vez que se tem registro, provando mais uma vez que Jimmy Page não é o deus que dizem por aí).


This english freakbat band should've been bigger, but, as a ton of other bands of the era, they never made it big for some obscure and unexplainable reason, despite their hit "Painter Man" (later recorded by Boney M, for some unknown reason to me). Their sound, as said above, is very freakbeat, with echoes from the Who, the Kinks and the Yardbirds everywhere. Highlights go to Can I Join Your Band, Makin' Time, Biff Bang Pow! and Painter Man (note that their guitarist Eddie Phillips plays with a violin bow on this one, being that the first register of that being made, again, proving that Jimmy Page isn't the guitar god they've been saying).

1. Cool Jerk
2. Making Time
3. Through My Eyes
4. Like a Rolling Stone
5. Can I Join Your Band
6. Tom Tom
7. Try and Stop Me
8. If I Stay Too Long
9. Biff Bang Pow
10. Nightmares
12. Painter Man

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