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terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010

Chuck & the Hulas - Smell like a Party

Último (um dos, pelo menos) projeto do lendário Chuck Harvey, fundador dos Frantic Flintstones . Depois do fantástico Psycho Samba By Way, Chucky Boy ataca novamente, dessa vez misturando música havaiana com psychobilly. Disco divertidíssimo e extremamente recomendado pra esse tempo frio bizarro, é só colocar essa parada e enxer um copo de rum com coca pra se sentir numa ilha ensolarada do Pacífico. Destaque pros covers de Purple People Eater e Don't you Just Know It, pra insanidade psychotropical de Moonshine Martinis e pra fantástica I am a Hula.
The last (one of them, at least) project lead by the legendary Chuck Harvey, founder of the Frantic Flintstones. After the fantastic Psycho Samba My Way, Chucky Boy strikes again, this time mixing hawaiian music with psychobilly. Extremely funny and recommended for the cold times we're facing in the southern hemisphere, all you have to do is play that thing and fill a glass of rum with coke to feel in a sunny pacific island. Highlights go to the covers of Purple People Eater and Don't You Just Know It, the psychotropical insanity of Moonshine Martinis and the fantastic I am a Hula.

  1. Little Red Hiding Hood
  2. Little Demon
  3. Hula Love
  4. Rock-a-hula Baby
  5. The Witch Doctor
  6. Don't you Just Know It
  7. It Ain't Funny
  8. Stoneage Woo
  9. I Am a Hula
  10. Moonshine Martinis
  11. The Purple People Eater
  12. Hawaiian Thang


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