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quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010

Cenobites - No Paradise for the Damned

Disco mais recente dos rapazes de Rotterdam, uma das principais bandas da cena psycho atual. De volta à formação com duas guitarras, esse disco é melhor produzido que os anteriores, mas não se deixem enganar : O som dos caras continua violento, aquela mistúrica única de psycho, street punk e thrash /speed metal que tornou a banda famosa. Aliás, corrijam-me se eu estiver errado, mas o vocal de Dimitri Hauck lembra cada vez mais o de James Hettfield no começo do Metallica (quando a banda ainda valia alguma coisa). Destaque pra TODAS as faixas, se eu fosse dar uma nota, esse disco levaria 10 em 10 FÁCIL.


Newest album by the boys from Rotterdam, one of the main bands of the actual psycho. Back to their double guitar formation, this album is better produced than the others, but don't be fooled : Their sound still has the same violence as always, that mixture of psycho, street punk and thrash / speed metal that made them famous. By the way, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dimitri Hauck's vocals are getting more and more similar to James Hettfield in the early days of Metallica, when the band was still worth something. Highlights go to EVERY track, if I had to rate it, I'd give it 10 out of 10 EASILY.

  1. 1000 Bullets
  2. Bloodstains
  3. Cold Skin Love
  4. Cellar Door
  5. Final Warning
  6. Devil Domain
  7. Chasing the Dragon
  8. Lizard King
  9. Don't Talk
  10. Cash Flow Chain
  11. Black Metal

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