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sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009

VA - Garage Acetates Vol. 1

Um belo dia, me recomendaram essa coletânea via slsk dizendo "é o paraíso lo-fi, me lembrou a sensação de ter ouvido o Back from the Grave pela primeira vez", e eu não posso desmentir tal afirmação de forma alguma. Lançada esse ano pela Norton, não vi nenhuma das pérolas da coletânea lançadas aqui em nenhuma outra comp, e faixas como Yesterday we Laghed dos Cirkits e She Won't come Back do Hayze não podem, de forma alguma, faltar na coleção de nenhum lobisomem adolescente ou homens e mulheres da caverna. Destaques pras duas músicas já citadas, The Thorns - Want You, Hidden Charms - The Hill, The Night Crawlers - Want Me, a versão demente de Fire de Jimi Hendrix pelos Vampires, The Henchmen - Get Off My Back e minha nova favorita, Khuns - Hey Baby, pura demência garageira!


It was a beautiful day, and someone recommended me this comp via slsk saying "it's Lo-fi heaven, it's like listening to Back from the Grave for the first time again", and I can't deny such affirmative. Released this year by Norton, I've never seen none of these tracks in any other comp, and tracks like Yesterday We Laughed by the Cirkits and She Won't Come Back by the Hayze are essentials in any teenage werewolf and cavemen and cavegirls collection. Highlitghts for the aforementioned tracks. The Thorns - Want You, Hidden Charms - The Hill, The Night Crawlers - Want Me, the demented version of Fire de Jimi Hendrix pelos Vampires, The Henchmen - Get Off My Back and my new garage favourite, Khuns - Hey Baby, pure garage punk insanity!

PS : Tem uma faixa chamada 06 repetida, deletem a ~incomplete
PS : There are two 06 tracks, delete the ~incomplete

01 - The Cirkit - Yesterday we Laughed
02 - The Coachmen - Too Many Reasons
03 - The Hayze - She Won't Come Back
04 - The Thorns - I Want You
05 - Unknown - Blue Jean Mean
06 - Unknown - Look for me Baby
07 - Hidden Charms - The Hill
08 - The Night Crawlers - Want Me
09 - The Muphets - You Don't Worry Me
10 - Vampires - Fire
11 - Unknowns - She's in Another World
12 - The Henchmen - Get Off My Back
13 - Bedlam's Offspring - The Thrill is Gone
14 - Khuns - Hey Baby


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